Tips for ideal sleeping position during pregnancy

Sleeping position

Wondering for what is the best sleeping position during pregnancy is very common among pregnant women. When you first discovered how to get pregnant, you quickly figured out that it was important to have a “sleeping position” that is most conducive to helping your baby grow and thrive.

It also had to be relaxing for you as well as comfortable for both of you. And, if you are trying to sleep on your back, then you know that there is no reason for you to have to worry about your back falling out of alignment during the night.

During pregnancy, your body experiences various types of changes. Due to that reason your sleep and sleeping positions not any more work for you. You may find yourself struggling in bed and trying to get a comfortable and relaxing position before you sleep.

There are some reasons, which may elevate your discomfort such as:

1. Back pain

2. Body changes and growing size of the tummy

3. Heartburn

4. Sleeplessness

5. Uneasiness due to increased body weight

6. Shortness of breath

The best sleeping position for pregnant women


1. Sleeping on side position

Sleeping on your side can be one of the easiest sleeping positions to adopt during pregnancy. it also happens to be the safest. In fact, many women prefer to do this rather than have an upright sleeping position in which the weight of the baby can pull the uterus forward and cause it to shift forward.

Sleeping on your left side from 28 weeks of pregnancy will help to increase the supply of blood, essential nutrients, and oxygen supply to your baby and placenta.

Moreover, sleeping on your side halves the risk of stillbirth as compared to other positions such as sleeping on your back.

Start with lying down on your left side bent your knees and legs. To relieve the stress on your back it is always good to put a pillow in between your legs.

During the nighttime, if you feel heartburn you can try supporting your upper body with pillows. If you are experiencing shortness of breath during late pregnancy then a side position with pillows can work well.

You can place a pillow under your abdomen if you find yourself with back pain. You should talk to your doctor every time according to your health condition and stage of pregnancy. 

Sometime these positions may not be overall comfortable for few moms because if before pregnancy you have a habit of sleeping on your back or stomach you can be a bit uneasy but try them too.

2. Sleeping on your back during pregnancy

Lying on your back is often considered a “bad” sleeping position, but that’s simply not true. You may find that sleeping on your back helps you to relax your whole body.

You may even find that the lower back pain you may be experiencing as a result of your pregnancy is lessening, as your belly gets bigger. 

Try not too long on this position or can change your position to your left side. You can adjust your position according to your comfort level.

On the other hand, sleeping on your back can also trigger some problems. like digestion, breathing, backaches, low blood pressure, and constipation.

These problems can occur due to the abdomen resting on your major blood vessels and intestines and decrease its functions. Avoid this position during the last trimester or last three months of pregnancy.

So if you want to try this position you may ask your health care provider and if you are experiencing the above problems better go for the side position.

3. Sleeping on your stomach

If you’re not quite sure about better sleeping positions to use during pregnancy and you may want to try lying on your stomach. The advantage of this particular sleeping position is that it will be more relaxed than it was before you became pregnant, and it also makes it easier for you to reach your feet.

Actually, when you are pregnant, your abdomen goes through various physical changes. That can make you uncomfortable to lie on your tummy. You can skip this position if not comfortable or can take advice from your doctor.

Try more tips for better sleeping while you pregnant


1. Sleep on the good quality of the mattress

It’s also a good idea to make sure that you are properly positioned in the bed when you go to sleep at night. This way, you can be sure that you don’t have any backaches during the day or other pains during the middle of the day. Make sure that your mattress is firm enough so that your spine stays in its proper alignment.

2. Using a correct and comfy pillow

Another aspect of sleeping position is using the right pillows to help support your head and neck. There are many different types of pillows available today, but one type you may want to consider using is the pregnancy pillow. This pillow is specially designed to help to support your head and neck while you sleep, and it also provides some cushioning.

3. Try Maternity pillow

A maternity pillow is also a good choice. It is designed with your pregnancy in mind and has extra padding so that you don’t have to deal with the discomfort you may encounter while lying on your back. It also has a unique curvature to help your neck stay in its most appropriate position.

4. Avoid lying on your back overnight

One thing that is crucial to remember about sleeping position is that the best way to avoid backaches is to not get too comfortable. In other words, do not lie on your back all night long. Instead, try to adjust your sleeping position so that you are sleeping on your side or with your knees slightly bent.

5. Yoga pillow

If you want to avoid backaches and pains, then you may want to consider using a yoga pillow. Yoga pillows can help you rest your back in the same way that you would use a chair, which is very helpful.

6. Do not use a too high or too low pillow

You may want to avoid pillows that have too much or too little padding since they will make it harder for you to breathe while sleeping. Some people find that using a regular mattress is a good option to avoid backaches and pains.

7. Limit caffeinated drinks

When you are going to bed try not to take any coffee or tea after 4 pm. Caffeine has a big role in affecting our sleep. You can drink a cup of nice and warm milk rather than coffee.

8. Drink enough water

It is crucial to drink plenty of water during the day to keep yourself hydrated. But when you are about to go to bed and before a couple of hours limit your intake of water. So you do not have to rush to the bathroom at night.

9. Take a warm bath

You can have a nice warm shower and massage of shoulder or foot before bed. This kind of relaxing activity may help you to relax and you may fall asleep quickly.

10. Quite and peaceful environment

You can dim your bedroom lights, keep your bedroom dark and peaceful so you can sleep well. Adjust your comfortable position to sleep.

11. Exercises

Doing exercises during the day for at least 20 minutes may help you to sleep better. But avoid exercises 4 hours before going to bed.

For a good sleeping position during pregnancy, the pillow will help to support your head and neck while you sleep. It can help to ease the discomfort caused by your pregnancy and can help to prevent backaches as well.

If you are unsure of what sleeping position to use during pregnancy, then you may want to consider a pregnancy pillow.

In conclusion, if you are trying to get pregnant, then having the right sleeping position is an important part of your overall plan. When you try a few different ones, make sure you test them out for a couple of weeks until you find the right one that is right for you. You can take your doctor’s consultation if need any advice.

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I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about  Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right  and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.

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